With the problems in the current economic climate people are interested in saving money in any way that they can. There is a lot of people how wonder do I have to replace my air conditioner when replacing my furnace? When working on a tight budget and you are struggling to be able to afford a replacement air conditioner at the same time as the furnace.
This however is not a problem as they do no need to be replaced at the same time, therefore do not let yourself to be talked into changing both parts. It is easy for the furnace to be changed without it having an impact on the air conditioner, as it can be carefully removed so that it can be replaced at a later date.
Having a frank conversation with the contractor about you want is always a good thing to do as it will make the project clear to them. If it is an old furnace that you have and it needs to be replaced or perhaps the furnace is cracked then it is this part that needs to be replaced.
There is a lot of contractors who will try and demand that everything is changed at the same time. The truth is that it is possible to change the parts at different times and there is no reason why it needs to be a big project.
There is some contractors who will try and sound out the client to check if they would be willing to change all the parts at the same time. They will on some occasions say that while you have the mess of changing one part it would be sensible to do both parts therefore getting the mess out the way at the same time. Changing both parts will mean that the contract price is higher, which is always nice for the contractor. It is not always possible for the client to have the money available to change both parts at the same time therefore it can often be a bit much to take on.
Before starting the work it is important to find a contractor who is willing to work with you. The best contractor may not always be one with the lowest price. The right contractor will be the one who will give you the best job and ensure that you are happy. If you tell the contractor that you need to make your air conditioner last for another year or two but that you want to get it done then he will be able to make changes in order make it easier to change when the time comes.
For many of the systems changing the furnace only involves installing temporary support to hold the indoor coil in place whilst the furnace is taken out from underneath it. The coil can then be lowered back down upon the new furnace. This job can easily be done if forethought and care is taken.
Good communication is always one of the most important things. If the contractor is not willing to listen then it is strongly advisable not to purchase from him, as he will more than likely do whatever he wants and it may not be to best standard. Look for a contractor who is willing to listen to you and alter his plans to work with your requirements.